Thank you for your interest in submitting a prayer request to our Intercessors of Holy Bethel Prayer Ministry. By submitting this request, you will send a message to our prayer ministry that will allow us to pray for you and your need.
9 months | Prayed 6 times
Experiencing weird dreams but mostly a weird feeling lately .10 months | Prayed 2 times -
Father, we ask that You cleanse us, remove the desires of this world from our hearts, and fill our hearts with the desires of Your Kingdom through obedience to Your Holy Scriptures.
Deliver us from the spirit of gluttony that results from overeating processed foods, refined sugars, and carbohydrates, and help us become conscious of our daily food intake.
Enable us to remember that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. Grant us the supernatural ability to fast and live a consecrated life to You, for we are a set-apart people, with an assignment in the Earth to do Your will.
Adonai, we invite You to have Your way in our lives and to take total control of our lives so we may be good stewards of our10 months | Prayed 4 times -
I was walking with a group of people along a waterfront or beachfront when a mighty explosion occurred. I could see and feel the blast, but I had walked far enough so the explosion didn't affect me. However, I could still sense the fear and chaos of the people affected by the blast.
Next phase of the dream...
I was in the company of our ancestors or elderly people, and they were speaking of the value of following the ancient ways. They then mentioned Abraham, and I woke up!
The Father reveals so we (Believers) can pray to help stop or prevent disaster. He also brings us instructions through our dreams, which was the second part of this dream, so here's the dream's interpretation.
There may be someone or a group plotting or planning to plant explosives in a specific or specific location to harm people. Please pray that the adversary's plans are exposed and overthrown by the blood of Messiah.
The second part of the dream reminded us to stay with the Father's ways and His10 months | Prayed 1 times -
10 months | Prayed 6 times